
2021年6月23日—SecretofManagivesyouthreemainlinecharacterstoplayas.ThegameleadsoffwithRandi,themainprotagonist,andhemeetsupwithPrimmandPopoiashe ...,2018年2月16日—Thisshortguideisabout.Itwillgoover,inbriefdetail,gamebasics,itemeffects,theweaponandmagiclevelingsystem,andafewotherpointsaboutthe ...,Hifolks.Iamanewdeveloper,goingtobeusingGameMakertomakeaSecretofManalike16bitgamebutIdonotknowwheret...

Characters and Abilities

2021年6月23日 — Secret of Mana gives you three mainline characters to play as. The game leads off with Randi, the main protagonist, and he meets up with Primm and Popoi as he ...

General Guide for Newer Players

2018年2月16日 — This short guide is about. It will go over, in brief detail, game basics, item effects, the weapon and magic leveling system, and a few other points about the ...

How to make a Secret of Mana like Game

Hi folks. I am a new developer, going to be using Game Maker to make a Secret of Mana like 16 bit game but I do not know where to begin.

How would you build Popoi from Secret of Mana?

2021年10月30日 — My reasoning behind the fighter dip was that Popoi can use all eight weapons, which includes a battle-axe and longsword, as well as wear all ...

Is there a best weapon for each character or in general?

2018年2月26日 — Well, there is a Game Trophy tied to leveling all your Weapons to max, so if you're going for that you'll have to get used to them all anyway.

SECRET OF MANA (Complete Guide & Achievements Gain)

2021年3月16日 — A complete walkthrough/guide of the game, hints and tips, comprehensive lists, where to get all the seeds, and how to get all the Achievements.

Secret of mana unit guide

2019年12月8日 — In the long term Primm is likely to be the most useful pull, Popoi would be 2nd, and Randi would be last. This based on each units over all ...


The Secret of Mana Walkthrough features boss guides, puzzle solutions and much more to the SNES classic Secret of Mana. 100% of this guide applies to the ...